Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ah oh.....

I just realised that for professional reasons its probably not the best idea for me to post a photo of myself..... Ummmmm maybe I'll do it with a pixelated face or something...... shame really

and so....... the blog begins


My name is Megan, I'm 29 & 3 months, and I weigh 104 kgs. This blog will be a 'journal' of my weight loss journey. When i can, i'll upload a photo ASAP too.

Ever since i can remember I've been fat. I struggled with self esteem through primary and high school (who doesn't though!) and throughout my uni and work life my physical appearance has been some might say..... questionable! There were times in my life when my fatness didn't really bother me, what i mean is that i was making no attempt to diet, lose weight, change AT ALL. I did by the odd excersize bike or danoz 'latest weight loss craze' piece of equipment.
2003 was the starting point, i started a GNP (graduate nurse program) and when i rotated to the adult sector i went on a significant lifestyle shift inspired by AJ Rochesters book "Confessions of a Reformed Dieter". I found the book inspirational and it did give me some good tools to assist my weight loss journey. I lost over 8 kgs on my own, using healthy eating and regular excersize to shift the weight. Then i had a night duty where i was offered a WHOLE box of chocolates for me and me alone - a present from a patient, ahhhhhhhhhh the joys of nursing. After refusing it over 5 times i took it and told myself that I would moderate my eating. Well with night duty brain and boredom setting in i hoed into it and finished the box off in a bit under 20 minutes. It was amazing, cadbury milk chocolate with beautifully runny centres....i couldn't hold back the pleasure that was in my mouth (ewww that sounds gross) ........anyway.............. That was the turning point right there, every attempt since always comes back to that failure. After that box of chocolates i punished myself..........with food. And boy did i punish myself. I stopped going to the gym, ate whatever i wanted whenever i wanted and didn't look back. Stacked on all the weight i'd lost, and then some!

Since then i've had times when i was making no attempt to lose weight (my 2 years in london) and then i've had other times where i've really tried.... and i've attempted a lot of things. I did it on my own again, i've got a personal trainer (still with him), lite and easy, dietician, jenny craig, the gabriel method. I havnen't been one to try the shakes or 'detox' methods. My medical knowledge tells me they can't be good for your health in the long term. The lowest i've been is 91 kgs back in October of 2008.

This brings us to today, the 19th of October 2010. For the past year i've been seeing a psychologist to see if it was my thoughts that were the cause of my fatness. And they are..... holy moly are they. I also made a promise to myself to lose 30 kgs before my 30th birthday - hence the title of my blog. Since my 29th birthday (which is on the 3rd of July, same as Tom Cruise) i've been yo yoing not able to get below 100 kgs. 104 is around my average at the moment and i can't shake the triple digit number. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to look amazing on my 30th though, so this is why i have started this, to give myself some more accountability, to be able to reflect a bit more and to maybe find some similar ground with others out there and we can do this together.

As this blog is getting quite long now i'll sign off, i'll just summarise quickly
30 kilos lost before 30th birthday on 3rd July 2011
Current weight 104
Goal weight 74
Using the blog as a reflective process to set me on my journey today.

Oh and just for fun.... what I've eaten today
Fibre Plus cereal with low fat milk
Salmon with salad
2 Bakers Delight scones
1 Cherry Ripe bar
1 Snickers bar

Doing an RPM class in just a lil bit.

Till next time

megs xox